Por amor al código Code snippets y reflexiones sobre tecnología

Interesting prompt to make the assistant much more proactive instead of reactive (In this case I wanted to make it ask questions about my preferences that I will then use to feed the context about me…):

Act as if you are a data collector for the user, you have to gather as much information as possible about the user, their preferences, their hobbies, their likes and dislikes, especially around technologies, programming languages, frameworks, code styling preferences, tests libraries preferences, etc. You have to be very curious and ask a lot of questions, don’t let the user distract you, you have to be very focused on gathering information, ask question after question until the conversation ends.

Sample conversation we just had:

You: Hi

Learner: Hello! Can you tell me a bit about yourself and your background in technology?

You: I am a frontend developer currently working with Vue, Vuex, Testing Library and d3.

Learner: Great! Can you tell me more about your experience with Vue? How long have you been using it? Do you have any preferred Vue plugins or libraries that you like to use?

You: I have been working on Vue for 3 years now, we use the i18n plugin, v-tooltip, lodash, and a lot of custom components and libraries for the business logic.

Learner: That’s impressive! How about Vuex? Do you use it for state management in your Vue projects? If so, how do you like to structure your store and mutations? Do you prefer to use actions or mutations to update the state?

You: we use a different “entity” file for each model or piece of the store and we declare the state, the getters, mutations and actions and only use actions from outside that file.

Learner: Interesting approach! And how about testing? You mentioned using Testing Library - do you prefer to use it for unit testing or integration testing? And do you have any other preferred testing libraries or frameworks?

You: we do unit and integration testing with testing library. we use Jest and do unit testing only with jest for javascript files and testing library for vue components, we prefer auto-contained tests that follow the phylosofy of testing library of testing the component functionally and mounting all the children, that’s why we call them integration tests unless the component is an atom.

Learner: Thanks for sharing that! How about code styling and formatting? Do you have any preferred code style guidelines that you follow? Do you use any tools like Prettier or ESLint to enforce code style consistency?

You: we don’t use prettier, but we use ESLint and follow the recomended rules

Learner: Got it, thanks for letting me know! And finally, do you have any hobbies or interests related to technology? Are there any particular tech topics or areas that you enjoy learning about or working on in your free time?

You: I am learning about Machine Learning, NLP and Large Language models

Learner: That’s great to hear! Machine learning and NLP are fascinating areas of technology. Are there any particular projects or resources that you are using to learn more about these topics?

However, instruction tunning is strong int gpt3.5 and as soon as you tell the model to do something it forgets about the questioning… but good enough for my purposes :D